مطالعه کتاب Military Management in the Battles of the Prophet (s)
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Military Management in the Battles of the Prophet (s)


Author(s): Muhammad Dhahir Watr

Translator(s): Abu Zahra Muhammadi

Publisher(s): The Heritage International Inc.

Category: Early Islamic History Prophet Muhammad

Topic Tags: Rules of warfare Jihad Miscellaneous information: Original Arabic title: al‐Idārat al‐Askariyya fi Hurub al‐Rasul Muhammad (S); Author: Muhammad Dhāhir Watr; Project Supervisor: Abu Yahya al-Hussaini; Farsi Translation: Asghar Qaidān; English Translation: Abu Zahrā Muhammadi; Publisher: Heritage International Inc. Year: 2011.

Copyright © 2011 by the Heritage International Inc., Tehran, I.R. Iran.


A very detailed and fully referenced text about the management, organization and mode of operation of the Islamic military in the battles that the Muslim community engaged in under the leadership of the Holy Prophet [s].

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Translator’s Introduction

Orientalists have, from the very beginning, propagated that Islām is a violent religion that was spread by the sword. This myth is even promulgated today albeit in a different form and context. At present, the ‘violence’ of Islām is portrayed by small fanatic groups who kill innocent civilians. Ironically, these extremist groups like the Tālibān, kill more Muslims than people following any other creed.

Yet since 9/11, the world has been bombarded with repeated messages against this ‘violent religion’. As if those who are making these accusations are themselves any less violent. The USA is the only country in the world to

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